Get started

Clone the repo

git clone <YOUR_APP_NAME>
npm install
git remote remove origin
npm run dev

Application Structure

├── app
│   └── api # api route handlers
├── lib # library with functions (shared with both server / client)
├── plugins
│   ├── core # create next startup code
│   │   ├── actions
│   │   ├── field-types
│   │   ├── hooks
│   │   ├── nav-items
│   │   ├── page-types
│   │   ├── record-types
│   │   └── register.js
│   └── custom # write your custom code here
│       ├── actions
│       ├── field-types
│       ├── hooks
│       ├── nav-items
│       ├── page-types
│       ├── record-types
│       └── register.js
├── ui # library with ui components (targeted for client)
├── config.js # register plugins / configure adapters, application
└── seed.js # define initial data set


this is where the application gets configured, it reads env variables and is imported troughout the app

.env file

This is where credentials are set